(303) 682-3386

Longmont and Boulder Cosmetic Services

Meyers Aesthetic Center offers a wide variety of services designed to help patients look as young as they feel inside. The goal of these services is to enhance the natural beauty of each individual.  Offerings range from wrinkle reduction and skin tightening to the removal of spots, stretch marks and scars, to cosmetics, and product recommendations for daily use.

The following procedures are performed by Dr. Meyers.

Longmont Botox and Skin Care


Meyers Aesthetic Center has been the largest provider of BOTOX® Cosmetic in Boulder County, and leads the region in experience. Dr. Meyers is an expert in its administration.

Cosmetic Services


Sometimes no matter how youthful you feel, your face tells a different story. Sunlight, natural aging and lifestyle factors can all have a diminishing effect on two important substances that we have an abundance of in youth – collagen and hyaluronic acid. These dermal materials play a key role in helping to keep your skin looking smooth and supple.
Cosmetic Services

Kybella, Voluma, Volbella, & Vollure

Injectible gels to augment various facial imperfections.
Cosmetic Services

FotoFacial, Facial Vein & Age Spot Treatments

FotoFacial™ pulsed light treatments restore a natural, youthful beauty to your skin with little to no downtime.

Cosmetic Services

Stretch Mark Removal

Stretch marks present as red or white areas that  commonly occur on the arms, chest, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. These can result from pregnancy, weight gain or trauma. Stretch marks represent a dermal scar in which the connective tissue (collagen and elastin) within the dermis is disrupted.
Cosmetic Services


Imagine not having to shave, tweeze, wax, or go through electrolysis again. Even more advanced than lasers, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) technology offers a gentle, non-invasive, long-lasting solution to unwanted hair on the face, back, legs, bikini line or any other body area.

Call us at 303-682-3386 to schedule your consultation


  • Cosmetic Services